Thursday, July 3, 2014

Site Updates~!

I'm trying to make my blog more customized and professional looking. So from here on out, I shall be making gradual changes to my blog. I will eventually have a more professional looking layout, along with custom buttons and fonts.

Bear with me on the changes, please. I'm improving my design skills, along with creating a reader-friendly zone that's easy to maneuver. If you see anything out of place or that needs to be tended to, let me know in the comments~!

Also, if there's a button you'd like to see that's not here, feel free to leave that in a comment, too~!

Today's update: Social media share buttons on the bottom of posts.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Apologies and Updates


To start off, I want to apologize to all readers for my sudden disappearance. I'm suffering with a pretty severe bout of depression right now and haven't had the inspiration or willpower to actually sit down and write. However, I shall share with you what I have been doing.

I tend to drown myself in my art and work when I go through a bad episode of depression. So far, I've made probably four or five different things and I've become really interested in vector art. It may look simple, but trust me, it isn't. Not by a long shot. One background took me four hours to make. For an even nicer one, it could take days. I'm now in the process of designing a flyer for a small bit of freelancing, and it's taken me hours to get it looking right. I'm still not finished.

That being said, I have been more active on deviantART lately (you'll see the link to my profile in the little box there to the right). I'll share a few examples of things I've done toward the end.

I shall attempt to come up with more topics to write about. If you guys have any suggestions on what you'd like to see (staying away from the subjects of politics and religion, please...), I would certainly welcome any feedback!

Also, critiques on my designs are highly welcome!

All of the following works are designed by Li Haneul and are licensed under a Creative Commons copyright. Modifications and commercial use of these designs are not permitted.

All of my works are also on deviantART. If you are a fellow deviant, feel free to drop by my page and give some feedback~!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Learning Languages~


For the past seven months, I've been learning a new language. For me, it’s been a bit tough, because I pick it up every now and then, and I don’t really stay consistent with my learning. It’s extremely important to be consistent in the language I’m learning, because Korean isn't an easy language to learn. To me, it’s easier to learn than a lot of languages, but that’s mostly because a high interest is peaked in learning this language. In fact, it’s pretty tough.

There’s the Hangul writing system (which isn't terribly hard to learn. I learned how to read and write the characters in about 30 minutes). Then there’s the language itself. It’s centered around a lot of vowels, and some sounds that native English speakers aren't used to making. There’s also the past, present, and future conjugations, as well as the “we, you, I, us, them, he, she” conjugations. That’s when you delve into the hard part.

So I’m writing this to help anyone who is trying to learn a new language. Some tips, hints, and places/websites to go may help out anyone who is trying to be fluent in a new tongue.

First, don’t try to learn multiple languages at once. I've tried to learn Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean all at once. Three different East Asian languages, each with their own characteristics. Though, I can’t count how many times I've mixed up words. I've also found myself saying the beginning of a sentence in one language, then ending it in another. Unless you have an amazing memory, and don’t mix things up easily, I suggest you focus on one language at a time. When you feel as if you’re quite well in it, move on to another (but don’t forget the one you learned!).

Continuous study is needed for learning a new language. I’m not saying you need to have your nose in a language book all day. Thirty minutes to an hour of language learning will help you be more proficient. Go on language learning sites like Livemocha (you have to have an account, but it's 100% free) to become more fluent. Don’t be afraid to mess up. You’ll mess up a lot in the beginning. But continuous practice helps you to become a better speaker.

Find a pen-pal. Pen-pals are amazing friends to have. No, you may not have met them in person, but they can help you learn a new language and learn about the culture. For people who are looking for pen-pals who speak Korean, you can go to I met so many people on there; they all help me with my language learning and are great friends. Also, keep in touch with them. There are many apps to message your friends in different countries. The two most important ones I (and many people in Korea) use are Line and KakaoTalk.

Don’t give up. Learning a new language is hard. It may seem like it’s easy at first, when learning phrases and random little words. Then you get to the conjugations and pronunciations, and you feel like you want to tear your hair out. If you don’t understand something, ask someone who speaks the language. Ask your pen-pals. Look it up. Research. Don’t just give up because it gets tough. Learning takes time, effort, and research.

Learn the essentials. When learning a new language, you don’t need to dive right in to conjugations and advanced grammar skills. Learn a few helpful phrases such as “how are you”, “my name is….”, “what is your name?”, “nice to meet you”, etc. Always learn the polite way to say things, especially if you are dealing with a language like Korean, which has multiple ways to say one word, depending on the politeness. Learn the essential “please”, “thank you”, etc., as well as “hello” and “goodbye”. These phrases are usually easy to remember, and will help you make more friends who speak the language. Also, learning the 150 most often used verbs will definitely give you a boost in learning the language.

Don’t just focus on phrases. At the beginning, learn essentials. But when you’re good at those, don’t just rely on a phrasebook, and don’t always ask your friends to be your walking translator. Research and start learning grammar rules once you feel as if you have essential phrases down. Once you begin learning the way a sentence is structured, learn conjugations (after you've learned the essential verbs). Once you know these conjugations and sentence structures, making a sentence in a new language won’t be as hard.

Learn about the culture. One mistake I've made in the past is trying to learn a language, while neglecting learning about the culture. You can’t learn a language without knowing the way people live or use certain words. There are some words in Korean that don’t quite translate over to English without sounding odd. There are certain customs in Korea that Americans don’t do. I was confused at first when I learned some of these words, such as “oppa” (오빠), "nuna" (누나), "hyeong" (형), and "eonni" (언니). I wondered why people were calling others “older sister” and “older brother” when they weren't even related. After doing research, I found out that it’s what you can call someone who is close to you, like a close friend. (This is the short explanation. For more info, research!) If I never wanted to learn the culture of this language, I never would have fully understood the explanation of these terms. Learning the history is part of it. I’m not a history person. Not at all. But I've found that learning a bit about Korean history has given me a greater love for their culture and language now.

Finally, apply it! Don’t just learn a new language and then set it on a shelf in your mind to collect dust. This is where having pen-pals comes in handy. Speak to them in their own language. Travel to a country that speaks that language. Get a job translating. Or, volunteer to subtitle videos in that language (or subtitle them in your own language if they are in a different language). Don’t just let your skills sit around. You’ll forget a lot of the words and phrases if you do that. Always apply the language in any way you can. Speak it to your friends. They may call you crazy, but you can get some extra practice in.

I hope this helped all the people who are trying the new adventure of learning a new language~! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! For all my readers, are you learning a language other than your own? Are you fluent in multiple languages? If so, which one(s)? Let me know in the comments!


  • PenpalKorea is a 100% free pen-pal website for global users.
  • Livemocha is a free language learning website for global users.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

We're All Stories, in the End...


As I'm writing this, it's Friday, May 23, 2014. (Yes, I'm about a week late in posting it...) I just witnessed my boyfriend graduating tonight, and as proud of him as I am, I was brought back to memories of my own graduation.

I graduated May 17, 2011. That night was one of the most memorable of my life, and I'll never forget it. It was a very emotional time, and a very important moment. Tears were shed (a lot of them), hugs were given (also a lot), and smiles were shared (more like huge grins). I remember how happy - and nervous - I was to walk across that stage and receive my own diploma. And the feeling afterward, that most everyone experiences: "What now?"

Milestones are important events in our life that stay with us forever. First day of kindergarten to graduating to getting married - those are moments never forgotten (well, maybe the first day of kindergarten. But your loved ones probably remember that). After these milestones happen, you have that "what now?" feeling. And all that can be said as an answer is "life". Life happens.

After a milestone begins something new. Think of life as a story. Your life is one long book, and each milestone is a new chapter. Not a blank slate, no. Just a continuation of events that will eventually lead to a whole novel. A novel of your life. The chapters of your story are all written by you. You're the author, the illustrator, the painter. You're the artist of your story.

Make your milestones memorable. Cherish them. Love the small things in life. Love people, and love yourself. Live for the moment. Carpe diem. Seize the day, because you never know if you'll get another one. Live each moment as if it were your last. This obviously doesn't mean go out and be continuously idiotic in your actions. If today were your last day, how would you want people to remember you? In your kind words, your caring heart, and your compassion?

Live, love, and laugh. Laugh a lot. A whole lot. Smiles are contagious, and can brighten your day. Laughter can make you feel better. Live for the moments that make you laugh.

Remember the ones who stayed by your side when you went through hell. When you were down, who helped you up and dusted you off? Keep those people by your side, and if they're gone, remember them. Never forget their smiles, their laughter, their hugs. Remember the kind words they gave you. Remember happy times. Memories are a powerful thing. Don't just focus on the bad memories. Not everyone has a happy life. But if you remember the things that made you smile, I'm sure you'll smile again.

Milestones, moments, and memories. We live for these three things. They make up your life, your story, your epic chronicle. As the author of our story, we need to remember the good, and live for the small happy moments. Live for happiness. Strive to give others the happiness you feel. Give a smile, a wave, a simple hello. You have no idea what kind of difference that may make in someone else's life. Be yourself. Don't hide behind this fake mask of "perfection". Make mistakes. Learn from them. Mistakes are part of life. Part of your story.

Most of all, love. Love with your heart open. You may get hurt, but it's worth it in the end. Love fiercely, and love with passion. Love with fire in your heart. Make your love burn and shine as bright as the sun. Love others with so much intensity, that they don't easily forget you. Make them remember you positively. Live and love in a way that brings a smile to someone's face when they hear your name. 

Live your story. Write it eloquently, fiercely, and passionately, as a good author should. Live for the new chapters. Live for the memories. Live for the moments.

"We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"


(Why yes, the quote did come from Doctor Who. Plenty of life lessons in that show...)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Modesty? What's That?


I went shopping in Wal-Mart for clothes last week (yes, I shop at Wal-Mart. I'm broke.) and almost every item I saw was... well, let's just say it was half there. For men, it doesn't really seem like the style changes that much from year to year. But for women in the summer? It seems the clothes get smaller and smaller each year. Bathing suits are now tiny triangles that cover the intimate parts of skin, and t-shirts are becoming... not really t-shirts anymore. There's so many articles of clothing that have cut outs on the back and sides, and so many dresses now that show way too much skin. Do these girls have no modesty?

I went to shop for a summer dress in the mall (seeing as there were none in Wal-Mart) and I went to glance in Aeropostale. The modesty in there is starting to wear thin, too. Beginning with the Bethany Mota line. There's so many cut outs and backless dresses and shirts that show your stomach... Just so much immodesty now.

The immodesty has gotten to be so bad that it's almost impossible for my mother to find an appropriate swimsuit for my six year old sister. You hear that? She's six, and the clothing companies are producing skimpy bikinis and immodest shirts for her size. Now, when companies try to market "sexy" to six year olds, You know it's gone too far.

Now, I'm not saying to act like you're in 1950 and cover up all of your skin. I'm just saying that girls need to show more modesty. Don't they realize that by wearing less, they're giving (some, not all) guys initiative to try to do a bit more than just date? Yes, the human body is a beautiful thing. As an artist, I believe every individual is beautiful in their pure and natural self. But seeing as our community is not a nudist one, I believe that girls should have modesty. Not wearing shirts and shorts that are just barely passing for clothes.

While I'm on the subject of appearance, guys need to have more modesty as well. I know only a very few select men who are modest in their actions and appearance. Most other guys have their pants halfway to their ankles and their underwear showing. Note, guys: This is not attractive. At all. It just looks like you were too lazy or broke to buy a belt. Please pull up your pants; we don't all want to see what kind of Winnie the Pooh boxers you're wearing today.

Modesty is a beautiful thing. It isn't just in appearance. It's the way we act. I hear so many people (girls and guys) act despicable to someone just because they don't like them. I'll tell you, if I don't like someone, it doesn't matter. I will still treat them with respect. I will still talk to them. I'll still give them a smile. Because no matter what, I don't know their life story. I don't know what they've been through. I mean, a smile could be the thing they need to get through another day.

Modesty is humility. Not embarrassment. Humility. So many people now don't know what that word means. Humility is humbleness. Not bragging about yourself. It's the state of not thinking you're better than everyone else. I see so many people bragging about this or that, or treating someone like crap because they're "lower on the social scale". It's sad that we even have a "social scale". That just because not everyone knows your name, you're automatically branded a "loser" or "outcast". Yet, most of the "popular" crowd tend to be arrogant and will put someone else down in a heartbeat. Some have no sense of modesty.

Men and women need to use more modesty in their speech and actions. Don't talk bad about someone. Act as if you're meeting yourself for the first time and want to make a good impression. Don't act all puffed up with an ego as big as a planet. Having a big ego is like the opposite of modesty. Being selfish or conceited are two other things that don't show modesty. Put others first. Put yourself last. Treat others with kindness, respect, and sincerity, and I'm sure the same will be returned to you.

I should talk about respect, but that deserves a post all of its own. What do you think? Do you think people should show more modesty or is society fine the way it is? Let me know in the comments!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I'm So Addicted...


What am I addicted to, might you ask?


Yep. K-dramas. For those who don't know what they are, they're Korean dramas. Mostly revolving around love or revenge, but they're (in my opinion) ten times better than most American dramas. (I say most because there's still some American dramas I like - Once Upon a Time, Switched at Birth, and Breaking Bad, for example)

But there's something about K-dramas that has me addicted. I'll find myself binge watching an entire season (which, most K-dramas have only one season, of about 16-21 episodes. More, if it's extremely popular) in a week. The quirky characters, the suspense, and the cliffhangers that are put at the end of EVERY episode draw me in even more. Yes, it is in a completely different language, but I believe that's another reason why I like it.

I love to be able to learn a bit about the culture (a bit - obviously, dramas aren't that true to life). I'm able to learn what this word means, what kind of food is popular, etc. I especially enjoy the historical ones, such as Faith and Dr Jin (both time travel related). I really enjoy supernatural type dramas such as My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, and My Love From the Stars (aka, My Love From Another Star). Supernatural and sci-fi have always struck my fancy, but I don't see many of those in K-dramas. Maybe the occasional body switcher (BIG and Secret Garden are examples) could be supernatural, in a way.

Other types I enjoy are some "gender benders" - where girls pretend to be guys to get closer to a guy they like, or for some other reason (such as becoming a pop star, filling in for a twin brother, etc.). Dramas like this are To the Beautiful You, You are Beautiful, and K-Pop Ultimate Survival. I could write a list of all the wonderful K-dramas I've seen, and I can't particularly pick a favourite. I suppose the most liked one is a tie between My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and To the Beautiful You.

My very first K-drama was BIG - where the minds of an older man and a young boy swap bodies after a car crash. Sometimes it's a "Murphy's Law set in motion" kind of drama, where everything that can go wrong, will. But I loved it, because usually K-dramas wrap up pretty nicely toward the end.

Though, there's one thing I can't stand in K-drama: the second male lead being... well, second. Usually, there's a love triangle in most dramas. It's just a thing that draws most people in. But, if you're going to make a love triangle, you're not supposed to have the female lead fall for the major jerk. The second male lead is almost always the sensitive, kindhearted one who will pick the heroine up when she's feeling down or help her in any way he possibly can to make her happy. But does she look twice at him? No! Okay, maybe in a couple of dramas does she actually look at the guy as a little more than a friend, but even then, only briefly. She still ends up with the major jerk who magically turns nice guy in 16 episodes.

Yet, despite that infuriating part of K-drama, I'm still addicted. I'm still sucked in. As of now, I'm still watching My Love From the Stars and Lie to Me, as well as occasionally watching K-Pop Ultimate Survival. My favourite? My Love From the Stars. For all my fellow addicted fans: is up and running, with a bunch of K-dramas (and more are continually being added. You can also send in suggestions).

Let me know if you lovelies would like me to do a review on a drama (which, I'll take by episodes, as they're about an hour long each), or if you'd like me to make a list of recommended dramas (and where they can be found). Let me know what you'd like in the comments~!


Monday, May 19, 2014

Blog Schedule~


So, I'm trying to update more frequently, but I find myself running out of ideas too quickly. Instead, when I find an idea, I'll write the post, but schedule it for later. I may end up doing them just on Saturdays? What do you guys think?

I have one more post scheduled for tomorrow, so for this week, that may be it. I may just end up doing them once a week, to keep fresh ideas coming to mind. Saturdays seem good, but there may be another day that could seem convenient. I'll be working on the schedule to see how it goes, and I'll tweak it a bit until I find one that works for me.

Thank you to all my lovely readers~
Let me know any suggestions in the comments~!

Next post: Wednesday @ 1:00 pm, PST.
