Saturday, May 31, 2014

We're All Stories, in the End...


As I'm writing this, it's Friday, May 23, 2014. (Yes, I'm about a week late in posting it...) I just witnessed my boyfriend graduating tonight, and as proud of him as I am, I was brought back to memories of my own graduation.

I graduated May 17, 2011. That night was one of the most memorable of my life, and I'll never forget it. It was a very emotional time, and a very important moment. Tears were shed (a lot of them), hugs were given (also a lot), and smiles were shared (more like huge grins). I remember how happy - and nervous - I was to walk across that stage and receive my own diploma. And the feeling afterward, that most everyone experiences: "What now?"

Milestones are important events in our life that stay with us forever. First day of kindergarten to graduating to getting married - those are moments never forgotten (well, maybe the first day of kindergarten. But your loved ones probably remember that). After these milestones happen, you have that "what now?" feeling. And all that can be said as an answer is "life". Life happens.

After a milestone begins something new. Think of life as a story. Your life is one long book, and each milestone is a new chapter. Not a blank slate, no. Just a continuation of events that will eventually lead to a whole novel. A novel of your life. The chapters of your story are all written by you. You're the author, the illustrator, the painter. You're the artist of your story.

Make your milestones memorable. Cherish them. Love the small things in life. Love people, and love yourself. Live for the moment. Carpe diem. Seize the day, because you never know if you'll get another one. Live each moment as if it were your last. This obviously doesn't mean go out and be continuously idiotic in your actions. If today were your last day, how would you want people to remember you? In your kind words, your caring heart, and your compassion?

Live, love, and laugh. Laugh a lot. A whole lot. Smiles are contagious, and can brighten your day. Laughter can make you feel better. Live for the moments that make you laugh.

Remember the ones who stayed by your side when you went through hell. When you were down, who helped you up and dusted you off? Keep those people by your side, and if they're gone, remember them. Never forget their smiles, their laughter, their hugs. Remember the kind words they gave you. Remember happy times. Memories are a powerful thing. Don't just focus on the bad memories. Not everyone has a happy life. But if you remember the things that made you smile, I'm sure you'll smile again.

Milestones, moments, and memories. We live for these three things. They make up your life, your story, your epic chronicle. As the author of our story, we need to remember the good, and live for the small happy moments. Live for happiness. Strive to give others the happiness you feel. Give a smile, a wave, a simple hello. You have no idea what kind of difference that may make in someone else's life. Be yourself. Don't hide behind this fake mask of "perfection". Make mistakes. Learn from them. Mistakes are part of life. Part of your story.

Most of all, love. Love with your heart open. You may get hurt, but it's worth it in the end. Love fiercely, and love with passion. Love with fire in your heart. Make your love burn and shine as bright as the sun. Love others with so much intensity, that they don't easily forget you. Make them remember you positively. Live and love in a way that brings a smile to someone's face when they hear your name. 

Live your story. Write it eloquently, fiercely, and passionately, as a good author should. Live for the new chapters. Live for the memories. Live for the moments.

"We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"


(Why yes, the quote did come from Doctor Who. Plenty of life lessons in that show...)

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