Saturday, May 24, 2014

Modesty? What's That?


I went shopping in Wal-Mart for clothes last week (yes, I shop at Wal-Mart. I'm broke.) and almost every item I saw was... well, let's just say it was half there. For men, it doesn't really seem like the style changes that much from year to year. But for women in the summer? It seems the clothes get smaller and smaller each year. Bathing suits are now tiny triangles that cover the intimate parts of skin, and t-shirts are becoming... not really t-shirts anymore. There's so many articles of clothing that have cut outs on the back and sides, and so many dresses now that show way too much skin. Do these girls have no modesty?

I went to shop for a summer dress in the mall (seeing as there were none in Wal-Mart) and I went to glance in Aeropostale. The modesty in there is starting to wear thin, too. Beginning with the Bethany Mota line. There's so many cut outs and backless dresses and shirts that show your stomach... Just so much immodesty now.

The immodesty has gotten to be so bad that it's almost impossible for my mother to find an appropriate swimsuit for my six year old sister. You hear that? She's six, and the clothing companies are producing skimpy bikinis and immodest shirts for her size. Now, when companies try to market "sexy" to six year olds, You know it's gone too far.

Now, I'm not saying to act like you're in 1950 and cover up all of your skin. I'm just saying that girls need to show more modesty. Don't they realize that by wearing less, they're giving (some, not all) guys initiative to try to do a bit more than just date? Yes, the human body is a beautiful thing. As an artist, I believe every individual is beautiful in their pure and natural self. But seeing as our community is not a nudist one, I believe that girls should have modesty. Not wearing shirts and shorts that are just barely passing for clothes.

While I'm on the subject of appearance, guys need to have more modesty as well. I know only a very few select men who are modest in their actions and appearance. Most other guys have their pants halfway to their ankles and their underwear showing. Note, guys: This is not attractive. At all. It just looks like you were too lazy or broke to buy a belt. Please pull up your pants; we don't all want to see what kind of Winnie the Pooh boxers you're wearing today.

Modesty is a beautiful thing. It isn't just in appearance. It's the way we act. I hear so many people (girls and guys) act despicable to someone just because they don't like them. I'll tell you, if I don't like someone, it doesn't matter. I will still treat them with respect. I will still talk to them. I'll still give them a smile. Because no matter what, I don't know their life story. I don't know what they've been through. I mean, a smile could be the thing they need to get through another day.

Modesty is humility. Not embarrassment. Humility. So many people now don't know what that word means. Humility is humbleness. Not bragging about yourself. It's the state of not thinking you're better than everyone else. I see so many people bragging about this or that, or treating someone like crap because they're "lower on the social scale". It's sad that we even have a "social scale". That just because not everyone knows your name, you're automatically branded a "loser" or "outcast". Yet, most of the "popular" crowd tend to be arrogant and will put someone else down in a heartbeat. Some have no sense of modesty.

Men and women need to use more modesty in their speech and actions. Don't talk bad about someone. Act as if you're meeting yourself for the first time and want to make a good impression. Don't act all puffed up with an ego as big as a planet. Having a big ego is like the opposite of modesty. Being selfish or conceited are two other things that don't show modesty. Put others first. Put yourself last. Treat others with kindness, respect, and sincerity, and I'm sure the same will be returned to you.

I should talk about respect, but that deserves a post all of its own. What do you think? Do you think people should show more modesty or is society fine the way it is? Let me know in the comments!


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