Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Love Is In The Air...?


Before I get started, yes, this blog post will be about love. Mostly, the love that I’m experiencing right now. For all those who have no interest in love or the love life of a twenty one year old, this post may not be for you. However, for all my lovelies who believe in true love: trust me, it exists.

I have a wonderfully phenomenal boyfriend. I’ll just put that out there; he’s extraordinary. I've been in love before, and I've been hurt before. A lot. I was just like a lot of jaded people, telling myself I’ll never believe in love again, and how so many men just don’t care. And then I met him. My boyfriend showed me how much I was completely wrong about the idea of love. Well, more like, what love should be like. Granted, we've only dated since January, but it’s been the best three months I've experienced in a long time.

A little bit about said boyfriend: he’s intelligent, extremely musically talented, and has a love for science and video games. He’s incredibly sweet, kindhearted, protective, and understanding. And chivalrous. What? That still exists? Trust me, I thought that was pretty much dead, too, until I met this gentleman. I absolutely love the times that we spend together. Playing video games, singing, or just lounging around watching a movie are moments I treasure and hold dear.

I don’t know what the future holds, so for now, we will take it day by day. Just live in the moment. Carpe diem. Now, I mentioned that I've been in love before. It was a long relationship, and my ex is still one of my best friends (yes, ladies and gents, it can happen). I got hurt toward the end, and didn't want to believe that I could move on. I didn't want to believe that love was even worth it.

When I first met my boyfriend, I just saw him as a friend. He soon became a close friend that I talked to almost daily, and told him everything. I loved having someone there, knowing that I had someone to turn to. Soon after, we spent much more time together, and I found myself… falling for him. Like something had released me from my eternal belief that love isn't worth it. I didn't say anything at first; I didn't want him to feel like a rebound, because he wasn't (it had been almost 9 months since my 2 year relationship ended).

When the ice was finally broken, (mainly my ice, because I tend to put up walls) I felt… free. And happy. Even now, in the midst of suffering through depression, I’m still happy. We may have our faults, as everyone does. We may not be the perfect couple, because no one is. But I will admit that I love him with all of my heart and would do absolutely anything to see him happy. I never thought I could be in love again, but I am, and I fall for him more and more every day.

For those of you suffering through a breakup, I know it’s tough. You feel as if the world is falling down around you and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. And I know you’re sick and tired of hearing the famous “there’s other fish in the sea” line. But a love ending, doesn't mean the end of the world. Maybe your world, at that point in time, but friends and family are there to help pick you up and dust you off and continue on your way.

For those looking for love, stop looking. You don’t find love; it finds you. Sometimes it smacks you in the face, and sometimes you see it a mile away. It may be your best friend, or that quiet person who sits in the back of the class. There’s love out there - you just need to stop trying so hard to find it.

For those experiencing a new love, or a new stage in your love: remember to always, always give your best to the other person. Give and take. A relationship is a two way street. Love them with your entire heart. Don’t move fast; take things slow and be a little patient. And most of all, always communicate calmly with each other. Don’t be afraid to try new things as a couple. Never stop dating. Never stop loving. It’s worth it in the end.


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