Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Want To Dance...


There's an amazing style of dance called popping that I'd really love to learn. I know it's really popular in South Korea, with all the K-Pop idols, and I'm sure many of you have heard of it elsewhere. If you're not familiar with it, it's a bit of a mix between robotic and fluid movements. It's an amazing accompaniment to dubstep (which I'm really fond of).

So, before today, I only knew of a few people who can do this style of dance, and wasn't really familiar with the different characteristics you can incorporate into this freestyle dance. Someone who lives in my town, with whom I briefly was acquainted with, is pretty amazing at this style of dance.

I never really knew how popular it was, seeing as I only knew of the one guy here in my town, and the rest of the people I've heard of, live in South Korea. I was pretty pleased to find that it's popular all over.

I know some may not like the robotic style of dance, and some may think it's odd. But I honestly believe it takes some serious talent and control to be able to fluidly match your movements with the rhythm. With great poppers, I feel as if I'm watching an animation. One thing that I really love (and sadly, may never be able to do) is tutting - the art of angling your hands and arms in time to the beat.

I believe this dance takes some serious talent and dedication - not something easily picked up, if you have little to no dance experience.

For all those who love to enjoy (or want to know what it is) popping, here is Korea's Got Talent winner, Joo Min Jeong (주민정):
And here is the guy that I met briefly here in my town (Mark Cherry):
If you have any suggestions for other great poppers, let me know in the comments~!


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